Thursday 4 September 2008

Make Money Online Writing Resignation Letters

It is rather easy for one to decide to resign from a job. However, writing the right resignation letter for the boss or HR department often proves to be a rather difficult task. Many people are unsure on the writing procedure for their resignation letters and do not know what to add in it to produce an effective resignation letter. So providing resignation letter templates for sale could prove to be quite an interesting, and beneficial business for you.
It is very important to write the right resignation letter when deciding to terminate your employment. This is because it is most likely that the employer will file the letter for future background checks by an employee's potential employers. There is also the possibility of the letter existing as potential evidence in a lawsuit if the employee files for one after resignation. These are the main reasons that all employees should write effective and safe resignation letters that will not hurt their future career. It is always important for the employee to leave an organization on good terms with the employer. So, the resignation letter should be one that conveys the right message of the resignation, while imparting some respect to the employer.
You could do the work of writing a safe and effective resignation letter for such employees. You could create numerous formats of resignation letters for them to choose from, and sell them at considerate rates. You could perhaps sell the templates at about $5 - $10 per template. It is up to the employee to choose the most appropriate template for their resignation. Give them a few varieties of resignation letters to choose from. These letters should have the same matter of resignation, but projected in different ways.
You could create different types of resignation letters; perhaps a simple, courteous, and friendly one or a formal but grateful letter. Sometimes an employee may need a resignation letter that is formal and straight to the point; it all depends on the cause of resignation and on the relationship between the employer and employee.
To display all this, you will have to create a website solely for your resignation letters. You could either do this on your own or get a web designer to create an effective website for you. Place some resignation letter examples and formats for the employee to view. You could also create some mock letter formats for them to fill in, to get the feel of the resignation letter.
It is important to use SEO tactics to place your website on a high ranking on the Internet. This is because higher rankings provide a larger number of people using your services. This is an important factor as it is only if your website is placed on the higher rankings of search engines, will there be a higher possibility of anyone knowing of your website. Once you gain more visitors to your website, the ranking of your website also increases. Correspondingly, you will experience more business for your resignation letter writing business!

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